2021: Year in Review
At PAEA, we have the enormous privilege of getting to know PA educators from all regions, experience levels, and backgrounds. In 2021, we saw programs advancing efforts for Health for All in communities across the nation.
This year, you guided young Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Warriors, modeled wellness in your communities and classrooms, and provided a safe place for your students to be vulnerable. You courageously continued to respond to the needs of others, walking ahead despite uncertainty, taking care of yourself, your students, and your patients through the second full year of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we near the end of 2021, I hope you will reflect with pride on your service and leadership.
In honor of this momentous year, we are sharing a look back at some of the celebrations, stories, and resources that resonated most with our members.
PAEA’s New Website
In January, PAEA announced the launch of the redesigned PAEAonline.org, which offers a professional development home for both new and seasoned faculty members.
PA Program Ranks Continue to Swell
From July 2020 to November 2021, we welcomed 22 new PA programs across the country.
- PA Program Ranks Continue to Swell
- Introducing Our Newest Colleagues: Five New Programs Earn Provisional Accreditation
Prioritizing Wellness
In March, PAEA President Michel Statler launched PAEA’s first month-long focus on wellness.
PA Profession Title Change
In May, the AAPA House of Delegates voted to change the profession title. This historic decision came with far-reaching implications, and PAEA reassured our members that supporting PA educators in their vital work remained our top priority.
PAEA’s Growing Team
PAEA welcomed and promoted several team members throughout the year, from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to Admissions. We also chose a new JPAE Editor in Chief.
Student Leadership
PA students showed tremendous leadership throughout the year, playing a pivotal role in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and leading the charge for diversity, equity, and inclusion in their programs and communities.
Substance Use Disorder Response
PAEA’s Opioid Response Network team provided resources, articles, and perspectives on the SUD crisis in America.
- How the Mental Health Treatment Gap & Systemic Racism Affecting African Americans Contributed to George Floyd’s Death
- PAEA Webinar Provides Overview of SUD Treatment
Sharing the Stories of Underrepresented Faculty, Staff & Students
This year, we spoke to many extraordinary URiM faculty members and students. Their stories illustrate the critical need for diversity and representation in the PA profession.