
Inconclusive Results Force Another Director at Large Vote

In PAEA elections, a candidate must receive a simple majority of votes cast in order to be elected. Because only one of the six director at large candidates garnered enough votes to earn a place on the 2016 PAEA Board of Directors, partial results of the election were announced at the Education Forum’s Saturday business meeting.

Congratulations to the following newly elected Board members:

  • William Kohlhepp, DHSc, PA-C, of Quinnipiac University, was voted in as president elect. He has served for six years as treasurer on the Board of Directors.
  • Carl Garrubba, MPA, PA-C, CPA, of Chatham University, was elected as the new treasurer, after serving for two years as director at large.
  • Michel Statler, MLA, PA-C, of Rosalind Franklin University, was elected to serve in one of the three available director at large positions.

In an effort to fill the two additional director at large seats, a second election was conducted with those program representatives in attendance at the business meeting — but once again, none of the remaining five candidates received a majority of the vote.

Election Round 3 – 100% Online

To fill the two remaining director at large positions, we are conducting a third election round. It will be carried out entirely online, and all PAEA member program directors are eligible to cast a vote.

The polls will open Wednesday, November 18, at 8 a.m. Eastern Time, and close on Friday, November 20, at 8 p.m. Eastern time. The link for the election will be sent directly to member program directors.

For information about the candidates, take a look at our Board Candidates webpage.

Program Directors Strongly Encouraged to Vote

In the first election, program directors from only 118 out of 199 member programs voted. That is only a 59% turnout. This time around, we’d like to see as close as possible to 100% of eligible votes cast.

After this week’s election, in the interest of electoral transparency, we’ll publish the list of all member programs that cast a vote— as well as the names of those that did not.  Note: Although our secure election portal can tell us which programs voted, it does not reveal what votes were cast.

If you’re a program director, and you didn’t vote the first time around, we encourage you to participate in this election. If you’re faculty at a member program, please remind your program director to vote.

Election Results to Be Published Friday

Immediately after the polls close on Friday night, our election team will tally the votes and email the results to the membership at large. If, after this election, we still have an unfilled director at large position, we will open a fourth election round — with a reduced slate of candidates — on Monday, November 23, at 8 a.m. through Wednesday, November 25, at 8 p.m.