
Warner Selected to Partner with NEJM Knowledge+ on Outcomes Research

Mary Warner, MMSc, PA-C. Photo: Boston University

Following an announcement last month of the Association’s new partnership with NEJM Knowledge+ on the dissemination of a Pain Management and Opioids educational module to faculty, students, and preceptors, PAEA is pleased to announce that Mary Warner, MMSc, PA-C, has been selected to conduct outcomes research on the initiative.

Warner will collaborate with NEJM Knowledge+ to support this work over the next year. The goal of Warner’s research is to characterize both the number of faculty, students, and preceptors who have completed the course and to quantify the impact of the training on participants’ clinical practice and PA students’ future practice. As a secondary goal, Warner will evaluate the effectiveness of the module’s adaptive learning technology as a means of informing future educational content development.

“Consistent with the strong advocacy work by PAEA on this issue, this is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with NEJM Knowledge+ on a research project that will showcase the impact of self-directed, adaptive learning on changes in PA practice related to safe prescribing of opioids and the management of opioid use disorder,” said Warner.

Warner, an assistant professor of medicine and founding director of the PA program at Boston University, has an extensive history of research experience with a track record of publications that use surveys and quantitative research methodology — experience that will be critical to ensuring a successful research endeavor with NEJM Knowledge+. Over the course of her career, Warner has conducted multiple research-related workshops, has served on PAEA’s Research Institute and Research Mission Advancement Commission, and she and her teams have been awarded AAPA’s PAragon Publishing Article of the Year award on two occasions.

PAEA congratulates Warner on her selection.