
Think Smarter, Teach Smarter

Want to make your brain smarter and deliver more transformative learning experiences for your students? Two new PAEA webinars will show you how. Education Forum speaker Dee O’Neill and Velvet Chainsaw’s Jeff Hurt will share current research and insights from brain science and experiential learning that will change the way you think and teach.

Wednesday, October 11, noon – 1:00 p.m. ET
Make Your Brain Smarter Overview
Dee O’Neill, MS, LPC, Program Manager, Corporate SMART, Brain Performance Institute

PAEA 2017 Education Forum general session speaker Dee O’Neill will provide a sneak preview of some of the cutting-edge brain science about teaching and learning that she will be sharing with attendees at the Forum. You’ll discover how to strengthen your brain’s capacity and improve your work performance and productivity.
Sign up today!

Tuesday, October 17, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. ET
Using Learning Experience Design to Craft a Transformative PA Education Experience
Jeff Hurt, EVP Education and Engagement, Velvet Chainsaw Consulting

Most higher education learning experiences are still based on an outdated, broken model that does not reflect the advances in what we know about teaching and learning. In this webinar, you’ll discover how to move from surface learning to deep learning, and how to apply UXD (user experience design) concepts to LXD (learner experience design) to provide authentic, transformative, learning experiences for your students.
Sign up today!

Don’t miss out on these two outstanding opportunities to take your thinking — and teaching — to a new level.