
Seeking Nominee for IPE Program Assessment Advisory Panel

PAEA is looking for a PA educator to nominate for the Interprofessional Education Collaborative’s Program Assessment Advisory Panel.

Specifically, we would like someone with deep experience in the development and assessment of interprofessional education (IPE) and clinical practice (IPECP) to join panelists from a broad spectrum of health and health-related professions. The advisory panel will work to develop a framework and rubric for university evaluation of progress toward implementation of IPE and IPECP.

Panelists will convene in-person for two and a half days of creative problem-solving using mixed media, brainstorming, and multiple approaches to visualize a framework for implementing programmatic assessment of IPE and IPECP — at a date to be determined.

Anyone interested in being nominated is asked to send a letter of interest and their CV to