
Second Cohort of PRAC-ED-PA Pilot Programs Selected

PAEA is proud to announce the second cohort of PA programs selected to administer the pilot version of the Expansion of Practitioner Education — PA (PRAC-ED-PA) substance use disorder (SUD) curriculum. The following 10 programs, selected via a competitive process in which 48 applications were submitted, will administer the PRAC-ED-PA curriculum to their students over the next year:

  • Franklin Pierce University
  • Baldwin Wallace University
  • Charles R. Drew University
  • Butler University
  • Grand Valley State University
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • University of Kentucky
  • Nova Southeastern University, Orlando
  • Elon University
  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Since 2019, PAEA has administered the PRAC-ED-PA project, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, with the aim of developing a standardized SUD curriculum for PA education. During the first year of the project, PAEA staff collaborated with representatives from an initial cohort of 10 programs representing South University, Richmond; Yale University School of Medicine; Case Western Reserve University; University of South Alabama; University of Oklahoma-Tulsa; Lake Erie College; Wichita State University; Marshall B. Ketchum University; Emory University; and the CUNY School of Medicine to compile the curriculum based on existing resources. Following the development process, the curriculum was administered to nearly 400 students who also provided feedback to inform the second year of the project.

This year, both the first and second cohorts will participate in a curriculum quality improvement process based upon initial feedback before administering the refined version to approximately 800 students. In recognition of their efforts, each program will receive honoraria for their contributions to the improvement of the curriculum. Following the conclusion of the project, PAEA’s aim is to disseminate the curriculum to all member programs.

On behalf of PAEA, congratulations to the programs selected for the second cohort. Members who have questions regarding PRAC-ED-PA are invited to contact Dave Keahey at