IPEC Call for Volunteer Reviewers for Scoping Literature Review
The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) is seeking article reviewers to screen records that have been uploaded into Rayyan, a free web-based tool used to help expedite the process of screening and selecting articles for inclusion in a comprehensive scoping review.
The articles were retrieved based on a specific search protocol developed for this project. The initial phase involves the screening of titles and abstracts for approximately 4,300 articles using a predefined inclusion criteria. All articles will be blindly screened by each reviewer. Following the title/abstract review, remaining articles will be comprehensively reviewed to determine which meet the criteria for inclusion. IPEC predicts a relatively small set of articles that ultimately meet all of inclusion criteria.
Important information for interested reviewers:
- Experience in critically appraising journal article content is preferred.
- The full protocol will be shared and reviewed with all volunteers before the process begins.
- The time frame for initial review of title and abstract will take place over six weeks.
- Selected volunteers must sign up for a free account with Rayyan and wait for acceptance.
- Selected volunteers will be sent an invitation from the Scoping Review Team to act as a screener on this review.
- There will be a short Q & A orientation session.
Please indicate your interest in participating in the literature scoping review by completing the application form by Wednesday, September 2, at 6:00 p.m. ET.
For more information, contact IPEC Associate Director Shelley McKearney at smckearney@aacnnursing.org.