Get the Inside Scoop on Board Service
We know that considering a stint on the PAEA Board of Directors is something not to be taken lightly — and that if you’re thinking about taking that leadership step, you probably have a lot of questions. So wouldn’t it be helpful if you could ask current Board members about their experiences before making that important decision?
Well, that’s exactly what we are offering by holding a Pathway to Board Service webinar, scheduled for Tuesday, May 10, at 4:00 p.m. ET. This session will be facilitated by Board of Directors Past President Stephane VanderMeulen. Leadership Development and Recruitment Council members and current PAEA Board members will be available to field questions about their service experience.
Active participation in this information session is highly encouraged but joining the webinar as an anonymous listener is also an option, if preferred. Registration is required only so you can access the webinar. Your contact information will not be used in any way.
Questions also may be directed to Jennifer Jarmin, Leadership Development and Recruitment Council staff advisor, at