
Fostering Digital Connections for Students

Last month, PAEA hosted two student town halls, enabling PA student voices to come together. We heard vulnerable and emotional testimonies of students’ experiences in their programs, on clinical rotations, and with patients. It is clear that we have work to do in making the educational community a better place for students to learn – to do that, we must address disparities, inequities, injustice, discrimination, and bias in all aspects of PA education. We have committed to playing our part in creating resources and continuing to facilitate opportunities and spaces for dialogue. To that end, PAEA has created a professional learning community (PLC) exclusively for PA students. We know that spaces for candid conversation and connection are critical, and PAEA is honored to be able to leverage our digital learning space for those conversations to occur.

Current PA students with a valid program-affiliated email address ending in .edu can sign up for an account here. To ensure that this remains a safe and brave space for students, program faculty and staff will not have access to the PLC. Our vision is to provide a place where students can share resources, articles, and tools to support one another, and to continue the rich dialogue from the student town halls, where it was impossible to hear from each of the 1,000 students in a 1.5 hour event. Please share this link and information with any students who may be interested in joining the conversation. Any questions can be directed to