
Encourage Your Students to Become PCLP Scholars

After skipping a year of accepting PA students, the Primary Care Leadership Program (PCLP) is again open to PAs-to-be!

PCLP is a scholarship program for medical, nursing, and PA students that focuses on primary care, leadership, and community health centers (CHCs). Each Scholar will receive $5,000 toward travel, living expenses, and lodging during the program, which will take place in June and July of 2017.

Scholars will be placed in one of seven cities in Massachusetts, Illinois, Texas, California, Arizona, or Washington state, where they will actively engage in leadership training, site-directed project activities, and health care service delivery.

This is a great opportunity for PA students to get leadership and CHC experience. Graduate-level PA students from underrepresented minority groups and/or socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds are encouraged to apply by January 31. For more information or to apply, visit the program’s website.