Combatting Racism and Violence Against Asian Americans
Like you, we are saddened by the tragic shootings in Atlanta that targeted the Asian American community. PAEA believes that all violence is a public health issue, and racially motivated violence is doubly so. As President Howard Straker stated last year in the wake of George Floyd’s death, “Racism is an injustice that denies people our humanity, jeopardizes our safety, and cheats us of our best health.”
PAEA remains committed to our vision of health for all. We each have a role to play in combatting racism and violence against the Asian American Pacific Islander Community—and all marginalized communities—and ensuring that they are treated with dignity and respect.
We call on all members to join us in advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice within PA education. Support one another not only after traumatic events, but in the continued work of creating safe, inclusive, and equitable environments for students, faculty, staff, and patients.
With a meaningful commitment to change and through tangible action, we can make progress, together.