
Program Report 31 Now Available for Download

ProgramReport31_CoverWe’ve crunched the numbers, and PAEA’s Program Report 31 is now available! This report represents the time and effort that 194 member programs committed to providing valuable data in response to PAEA’s Program Survey in 2015. These data form an empirical foundation for advocacy efforts, benchmarking, accreditation, and scholarly work. For over 30 years, this survey has helped programs, faculty, students, and PAEA track and keep up with trends and changes to PA education.

PAEA’s research department has undergone significant changes over the past year: along with the new faces on staff, there are also plans underway to streamline the annual survey process for programs, collect more reliable data, and retool the survey instruments to capture critical issues in a rapidly evolving field.

Check out By the Numbers: Program Report 31 now for the most up-to-date look at the state of PA education, and look forward to exciting changes in the future! The report is packed with important statistics, but here are a few interesting findings we’d like to highlight:

  • Tuition was on the rise for both public and private schools, but students’ incidental fees decreased (p. 11, Table 11)
  • Programs gave out an average of $53,344 in scholarship funds to students (p. 12)
  • Core faculty teach or coordinate almost all (93.1%) of the didactic curriculum (p. 13, Table 14)
  • Most hiring of faculty and staff was to replace existing (versus newly created) positions (p. 16, Table 17)
  • Racial and ethnic minorities are still underrepresented among PA students (p. 18, Tables 20 and 21)

Are you a researcher interested in getting access to raw data from this survey? A PA faculty member who would like a more focused or disaggregated research report on some data points from this survey? Please check out our data sharing policies, and then scroll down the page to the appendices to fill out either a raw data or research report request. Or, if you have feedback or questions about this report, please send us a message at