5 Enlightening Reasons to Read This Issue of JPAE
As you most likely know, the Journal of Physician Assistant Education (JPAE) went through a major transformation earlier this year when we began partnering with publisher Wolters Kluwer. The result? More information and research packed into every issue, along with clearer graphics and more photos.
The latest issue of JPAE will soon be arriving in your mailbox, or you can access it online, thanks to the new publish-ahead-of-print feature.
Here’s some of what you’ll find inside.
1. An editorial about PAEA’s growing partnership with our new neighbor, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Written by PAEA’s CEO Timi Agar Barwick, MPM, and AAMC’s President and CEO Darrell Kirch, MD, it outlines the numerous and exciting ways that the two organizations are now collaborating to take the 50-year relationship between PAs and physicians to a new level.
2. Just how honest —or dishonest — are PA students? This research article looks at PA students’ attitudes toward academic dishonesty during their clinical year of training. While most of them agreed that cheaters only hurt themselves in the long run, that doesn’t mean that cheating doesn’t happen. And how do PA students compare with medical students when it comes to dishonest behavior?
3. Job satisfaction of PAs can play a significant role in patient care and health outcomes. The authors of this article reviewed 29 studies about PA job satisfaction in an attempt to understand which factors exert the greatest influence, and what employers and policy makers can do. What were the most consistent sources of job satisfaction? Of dissatisfaction?
4. Having their students pass the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination (PANCE) with flying colors is the goal of every PA educator. So what can be done to best prepare students for taking the PANCE? This research article examines PAEA’s relatively new End of RotationTM exams and to what degree they can predict failure or successful passage of the PANCE.
5. The boundaries of medicine are those cloudy areas where potential dangers and contradictions often exist. In this thought-provoking article, the author of this issue’s Medicine Through the Arts feature proposes that we use the arts in teaching future medical care providers when to approach those boundaries, when to back away from them, and how to exploit the riches at the edges without causing harm to themselves or others.
There’s plenty to read and learn in the December issue of JPAE. So don’t be left behind! Pick up — or download — a copy today and make sure you’re one of those “in the know.”