
2018 PAEA Program Survey Needs Your Input

Update: The deadline has now passed. Programs must complete outstanding surveys by no later than October 17, or risk the loss of PAEA membership benefits — including the ability to vote at the 2018 PAEA Education Forum.

The comprehensive Program Survey is PAEA’s longest running research endeavor, collecting information on program structure, program and student financial information, student and faculty characteristics, and much more. Recently, we made changes to the survey’s structure and think you will find the new interface much easier to navigate and complete.

When the survey, required to be completed by all programs, opens on July 18, program directors will receive a unique link and subsequent weekly reminders as part of their Survey Snapshot, our one-stop survey status update on any open PAEA surveys your program is currently eligible to take.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact the Research Team at