
Welcome PAEA’s New Assessment Editor in Chief 

Melinda Blazar

PAEA would like to welcome Melinda Blazar, EdD, MHS, PA-C, as the new assessment editor in chief. She has served as the incoming assessment editor in chief since October 1, under the mentorship of the former editor in chief, Kim Cavanagh, DHSc, PA-C. 

Blazar has been involved with the PAEA Assessment program for more than a decade, serving as a PACKRAT® Exam Development Board member from 2012-2018, the PACKRAT Exam Development Board Chair, starting in 2018 to the present, and a member of the End of Curriculum™ Standard-Setting Work Group in 2019.  

As the new editor in chief, she will provide editorial oversight of PAEA Assessment publications to ensure the overall quality of the exam development, editorial, and production processes. She will also serve as a mentor to PAEA’s volunteer Exam Development Board members and chairs, as well as provide leadership to a newly formed Assessment Advisory Board.   

“Melinda’s extensive experience, coupled with her innovative perspective, make her the ideal candidate for this critical leadership role,” said PAEA Senior Director of Assessment Casey Johnson. “We warmly welcome her as she steps into this new chapter of volunteer leadership at PAEA Assessment.”  

Blazar expressed enthusiasm for her new role. 

“I am so honored to have been selected for this important role in PAEA Assessment and I look forward to continuing to help grow the PAEA Assessment program,” said Blazar.   

In addition to this role, Blazar will continue to serve as the Director of Assessment and Evaluation at Duke University School of Medicine PA Program.   

Welcome, Melinda!