
See Comparative Statistics for PACKRAT Version 23

PACKRAT™ Version 23 national statistics have been added to cohort and student performance reports. These data, available to faculty users, include national average scores, standard deviations, and percentile statistics — and will be updated weekly as more students take the exam. We wait for 300 administrations to make this announcement to ensure the statistics are stable. This threshold was reached last week, so if you have previously downloaded your reports, you may want to download them again for a more accurate reference population.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, PACKRAT, or Physician Assistant Clinical Knowledge Rating and Assessment Tool, is an objective, comprehensive self-assessment tool for student and curricular evaluation. Effective November 2, PACKRAT Version 23 is the primary version of the exam that your students will take. PACKRAT ensures that students can assess their knowledge on the most up-to-date standards and medications. While no changes other than formatting were made to the blueprint or topic list for this version, the statistics do change from year to year because each version contains all new questions.

If your students need to retake PACKRAT before next November, they will receive PACKRAT Version 22, which remains available as a backup. Version 21 is no longer available.

Please contact with any questions.