Register for the IPEC Faculty Development Institute
Early-bird registration is available for the 2019 Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Faculty Development Institute, to be held in Washington, DC, on May 22–24. Attendees will hear strategies, models, and key lessons to assist them with their projects focused on building an impactful, sustainable interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP) program.
Returning to the popular theme of building a framework for IPECP, the conference will be a unique gathering of health professions faculty, collaborative partners, expert presenters, and staff facilitators. See the full agenda, including speakers.
The early bird registration fee is $1,595 per person. After March 15, the conference fee will increase by $100. The fee for the program includes registration, breakfasts, lunches, and three nights’ lodging. Although not required, faculty registrants are strongly encouraged to bring their practice partners to the Institute in order to expand and refine skills in IPECP and to strengthen teamwork.
“We are excited to roll out a new institute feature this May. The Spring 2019 conference is the first to welcome single participants in addition to the customary teams of faculty and administrators,” said Lucinda L. Maine, PhD, IPEC president and executive vice president and CEO of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. “The agenda is perfect for collaborative teams developing or advancing their interprofessional education (IPE) programs and for individual faculty who may have been tapped to help begin or grow their institution’s IPE program. It is our goal to bring together as many educators and care providers as possible to conduct the work of bridging together IPE and collaborative patient-centered practice.”
For more information or to register, visit the Spring 2019 IPEC Institute website or contact IPEC Associate Director Shelley McKearney at