
PAEA Volunteers Lead the Way in 2020

Each January, PAEA welcomes its new volunteers into the fold as they begin their first term of service. Our valued volunteers make it possible for us to do the important work that is accomplished each year. We would especially like to recognize the chairs of all of our volunteer groups for answering the call to leadership and helping PAEA move its agenda forward.

Mission Advancement Commissions
Diversity & Inclusion MAC Chair: Daytheon Sturges, MPAS, PA-C
Faculty Development MAC Chair: Cody Sasek, MPAS, PA-C
Leadership MAC Chair: Kevin Lohenry, PhD, PA-C
Research MAC Chair: Rick Dehn, MPA, PA-C

Steering Committees, Review Committees, and Boards
JPAE Editorial Advisory Board Chair and Editor in Chief: Dave Asprey, PhD, PA-C
Government Relations Steering Committee Chair: Michael DeRosa, PhD, MPH, PA-C
Awards & Honors Review Committee Chair: Shalon Buchs, MHS, PA-C
Education Programming Steering Committee Chair: April Stouder, MHS, PA-C
Finance Steering Committee Chair: Carl Garrubba, MPA, CPA, PA-C
Future Educator Development Steering Committee Chair: John Ramos, MMS, PA-C
Governance & Ethics Board Chair: Michael Murphy, MD
Grants & Scholarship Review Committee Chair: Trent Honda, PhD, MMS, PA-C

Assessment & Exam Development Boards (EDBs)
Assessment Editor in Chief: Kim Cavanagh, DHSc, PA-C
Emergency Medicine & General Surgery EDB Chair: Tracy Cleveland, EdD, MS, PA-C
Internal Medicine & Family Medicine EDB Chair: Roberto Canales, DHSc, MS, PA-C
Women’s Health, Peds, Psych & Behavioral Health EDB Chair: Jennifer Momen, MD, MPH
End of Curriculum EDB Chair: Anne Schempp, EdD, PA-C
End of Curriculum EDB Vice Chair: Betty Hulse, MSPAS, PA-C
PACKRAT EDB Chair: Melinda Blazar, MHS, PA-C