PACKRAT Exam Version 23 Coming Soon
After more than a year of dedicated writing, rigorous review, and multiple levels of approvals, Version 23 of the PACKRAT™ exam will be published after hours on Thursday, November 1. It then will be the primary version* of the exam available for administration beginning Friday, November 2.
As always, Version 23 contains 225 new questions written and peer-reviewed by PA faculty content experts. This exam remains compliant with DSM-5 criteria, as well as current guidelines and medications. The blueprint and topic lists remain the same as Version 22 (though they have been formatted for easier reading) and are available at
We’re excited to offer this next version of the PACKRAT exam, and we appreciate your dedication to both this exam and to PAEA. Together, we are strengthening PA education through continual self-assessment.
If you have any questions about Version 23 of the PACKRAT exam, please email us at
*NOTE: Any PACKRAT exams administered after November 1, 2018, will be Version 23, regardless of when you purchased or scheduled the exams. If you would like to administer any Version 22 PACKRAT exams, please do so on or before November 1. Version 22 will only be available as a backup for retesting purposes, and Version 21 will no longer be available.