
Georgia on Our Minds: A Break for Preceptors

Last year Georgia made the lives of every clinical coordinator in the state a bit easier when it passed SB 391 — legislation that provides tax deductions for physician preceptors who aren’t otherwise reimbursed. An amendment to the law has been introduced to give PA and nurse practitioner preceptors the same benefit.

The need for high-quality clinical preceptors is one of the most critical issues facing the PA profession. Each year, nearly 9,000 PA students require clinical education experiences, and that number is growing. More than 77% of preceptors are currently not paid — so tax incentives would provide an important benefit.

Now PAEA has teamed up with AAPA to create model legislation in an effort to pass legislation similar to Georgia’s in the other 49 states.

We need foot soldiers, so to speak, to help pass this legislation at the state level. In the past, PA educators have stepped up to champion bills that benefit PAs, and we encourage you to once again work with your local PA chapters and physician associations to bring about state-level change.

AAPA’s regional outreach and advocacy staff can assist you with linking to your state chapter leaders and identifying strategies for getting this legislation introduced and passed. See below for contact information by region.

Western Region
Keisha Pitts

Central Region
Adam Peer

Northeast Region
Carson Walker

Southeast Region
Stephanie Radix