
New HRSA Grant Allots $2 Million for PA Programs

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has released a Notice of Funding Opportunity for a grant competition under the Primary Care Training and Enhancement (PCTE)–Physician Assistant Program.

This opportunity follows the enactment of a $10 million increase for the broader PCTE grant program in the FY18 omnibus appropriations bill. According to this notice, HRSA plans to award a total of $2 million, divided among seven applicants beginning in mid-2019.

Applications for this funding opportunity are due to HRSA by January 14, 2019. More information and instructions on how to apply can be found on the HRSA website.

HRSA will be hosting a technical assistance webinar for this funding opportunity on Thursday, November 8, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET:

Dial-in: 888-516-2438
Participant Code: 430427
Join Online

Additionally, PAEA recently hosted a workshop at the 2018 Education Forum called “The Time to Plan for 2020 HRSA Grant Opportunities is NOW.” This workshop prepared aspiring programs to understand HRSA grants and how to go about submitting a successful application. Members interested in applying for this grant opportunity may request written materials from the workshop to assist in their application by contacting Tyler Smith at