New End of Curriculum™ Exam Resources Available
PAEA is happy to announce a new End of Curriculum™ Exam Faculty Guide. This document covers many questions faculty may have about the End of Curriculum exam, including, but not limited to, the content blueprint, exam creation, scoring and interpretation, and even how to align the exam with your current programmatic goals and objectives. Additionally, the faculty guide includes new qualitative research on assessment tools that programs are using for their summative evaluations. Unique to the End of Curriculum Exam Faculty Guide are two mapping and alignment worksheets that programs can utilize to make sure they are appropriately integrating the End of Curriculum exam into their summative evaluation.
The faculty guide can be found on the End of Curriculum website. We hope you find the End of Curriculum Exam Faculty Guide to be a valuable tool for your programs.
Additionally, we have posted two presentations regarding the End of Curriculum exam in the PAEA Assessment Products section of the Digital Learning Hub; The PAEA End of Curriculum Exam: An Introduction and Overview and The PAEA End of Curriculum Exam: A Technical Overview. These two presentations will serve as a refresher for some of you, but also may be new material if you have not yet adopted the exam. The focus of the first presentation is to give a general overview the purpose, development, and scoring of the exam. The second covers the technical issues surrounding exam, including how to download the Safe Exam Browser that is required to launch the exam.
As always, we are committed to providing superior assessment products. This guide will help programs learn more about the End of Curriculum and how to bring it to their program. We appreciate your continued support, and please let us know if you have any questions by emailing