
Improving Your End of RotationTM Exams Experience

Improving Your End of RotationTM Exams Experience


To simplify the process of purchasing and managing End of RotationTM exams, we have made a few changes in Examdriver, our exam management and delivery system. We think you will like the added flexibility that these changes offer.


Instead of buying specific types of End of Rotation exams at the point of purchase, users will now buy generic exams — in whatever amount they choose — to be “cashed in” when they need them.


All existing exam credits associated with any of the seven End of Rotation Exams (previously ordered by type of exam) will be combined to create a single bank of exam credits. This will appear on the new End of Rotation Exam screen as the overall total “Remaining” count in your “exam bank.”



From now on, to designate which types of End of Rotation exams you would like to give to students, you will select the exam type from the dropdown menu on the “Schedule an Exam Event” screen, as shown below. Other choices such as duration, location, and date and time will remain the same.



Still have questions? Contact or call 866-749-7601.