HRSA Releases PCTE Grant Opportunity
Grant Opportunity
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) just released the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for the Primary Care Training & Enhancement Program (PCTE) Grants.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday, December 16. HRSA expects to award up to 37 grants with funding amount maximums of $250,000 for a single project and $500,000 for a collaborative project. Accredited PA programs are eligible, but only one submission is permitted per institution. Provisionally accredited programs are eligible but must satisfy special requirements.
Q & A Webinar
PAEA reviewed the guidelines during a recent webinar. Watch a recording and download the webinar slides.
Grant Writing Workshop
There is still space available at the PAEA Grant Writing Pando™ workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 10 and 11. Find out more and register.
Technical Assistance Webinar
HRSA will provide a technical assistance call on Thursday, November 5, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. (ET). The call-in number is 800-369-1882 and the participant code is 1847935. You can also join online.