
Former PAEA President to Lead Influential HRSA Advisory Committee

Anita Glicken, MSW, has been chosen to serve as the next chair of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry (ACTPCMD). 

Glicken, associate dean and professor emerita at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center, served as president of PAEA in 2007. She is currently the executive director of the National Interprofessional Initiative on Oral Health (NIIOH). Over the course of her career, she has been a strong leader on behalf of the PA profession and PA education, launching the PA Leadership Initiative on Oral Health, helping to develop HRSA’s Interprofessional Oral Health Core Competencies for Primary Care Providers, and serving as the president/CEO of the NCCPA Health Foundation, where, in partnership with HRSA, she led the development of a comprehensive database on PA practice.  

Beyond domestic advocacy on behalf of the PA profession, Glicken also served as project director of the first American International Health Alliance contract to build an advanced practice provider workforce capacity in South Africa. 

“This position provides a unique leadership opportunity to advance innovative solutions to reduce health disparities,” said Glicken. “PAs will be pivotal partners in efforts to transform our delivery system to an integrated model focused on prevention and population health. The ACTPCMD has documented impact on policies and funding that can help support this work.”  

Past ACTPCMD recommendations have influenced subsequent HRSA grant competitions such as the Primary Care Training and Enhancement: Training Primary Care Champions funding opportunity. In addition to influencing HRSA grant competitions, the ACTPCMD also has substantial influence over health workforce development policy beyond the agency’s direct jurisdiction. In late 2018, the ACTPCMD sent a letter to congressional leadership and Secretary Alex Azar on the impact of restrictions regarding the use of student medical record documentation on clinical training opportunities. This outreach was a significant factor in a recent reversal of policy under which preceptors can verify, rather than re-perform, student-provided documentation of E/M services. 

Other Committee Changes 

Patricia Dieter, MPA, PA-C, will be transitioning off of the committee following nearly four years of service. During her tenure, Dieter has served as a powerful advocate for PA education and the PA profession, having also been on the faculty of the Duke University PA program. Pamela Patton, MSP, PA-C, a faculty member at the University of Florida PA program, will serve as her successor as the PA representative on the committee. 

PAEA’s Government Relations team would like to congratulate Glicken and Patton on their crucial appointments and thank Dieter for her years of service on the committee.