Final Updates for End of Rotation Exam Version 6
In two short weeks, Version 6 of PAEA’s End of Rotation™ exams will be in the field. Last night, the IT team completed the work to prepare for the new scale scoring format. Most of this work is behind-the-scenes for now, but you will notice a few changes in Version 6.
Outside of ExamDriver, we have made the switch to the new home for This URL will now direct you to pages within (, taking the next step toward unifying information about our exam products.
You will find all of the same information here, plus further guidance on Scoring and Interpretation, updated Tutorials, and Guiding Principles for the End of Rotation exams, which will help faculty and students prepare students for what to expect from the exams.
When the National Statistics page is ready, we intend for that to include the scale score and raw Version 6 national mean, standard deviation, reliability, and standard error of measurement, as well as historical statistics for Versions 2 through 5. We expect this to be ready next week.
Conversion tool. For faculty users of ExamDriver, when you select an End of Rotation exam, there is now a link in the upper right corner of the Reports tab that says Historical Score Lookup.
The application behind this link will take you to the Conversion Tool, which will enable you to convert scores both from Scale to Percent Correct for Version 6 and also from Percent Correct to Scale for Version 5 and earlier.
Mass conversion functionality is still in process, but we expect that to be available in the next month.
Remote Proctor role. For those programs that do not require students to come to campus for End of Rotation exams, we have a new role for off-campus proctors. Users with the Remote Proctor role only have access to the My Proctor Schedule tab.
This means that these users can only view those exams to which they have been assigned and cannot view student contact information or order exams — making it easier for programs to meet proctoring requirements for End of Rotation exams. This new option provides assurance to programs that gave Admin roles to proctors at services like B Virtual, Proctor U, or local testing centers. We have updated our Instructions for Remote Proctoring with this change. We recommend that you change any remote proctor users currently in your system to this new role.
Order History searching. To better help programs keep track of older orders, we have added a date filter function to the Order History tab. The filter defaults to 90 days before the current date. This may result in orders disappearing from the list — all you need to do is change the dates by typing in a later date or toggling the date using the pop-out calendar.
The rest of this enhancement will become apparent when your program administers Version 6 End of Rotation exams, starting on July 11.