(Exam) Testing 1, 2, 3
After the popularity of last year’s session, we once again will offer faculty the chance to preview PAEA Assessment products at the 2017 PAEA Education Forum in Denver.
On Saturday, October 28, PAEA will host two sessions at the Forum where faculty can engage in a typical student experience of our End of Rotation™ exams. The workshop will be set up like a computer lab, and participants will be allowed to take one section of an actual exam through our exam delivery system. They will see real questions and experience the actual interface, including the student honor code and tutorial. Experienced faculty will proctor each session and model best practices. We will walk you through the process from exam preparation to taking the test, followed by a brief Q&A period.
Both sessions will be held in the morning – one at 8:30 a.m. (the same time as the Business Meeting) and one at 10:00 a.m. Based on participant feedback, we will feature a separate Q&A session after the General Session and Lunch – open to participants from the exam previews as well as those who missed out – to discuss exam processes and systems in greater depth.
Pre-registration is required for this special event, and space is very limited. You can sign up here for your preferred time. Confirmation will be sent two weeks before the Forum – and will look just like the communication that students receive before a scheduled exam.
If you have any questions, please contact Assessment Manager Emily Yunker at eyunker@PAEAonline.org.