
Celebrate Digital Learning Day with PAEA Learning

Digital Learning Day is a nationwide event and an opportunity for educators, leaders, and students to come together and explore how learning and teaching experiences can be improved through the use of technology.

We believe that dedicating time for your professional development will help support your daily work, improve student learning outcomes, and, ultimately, positively impact PAEA’s mission: health for all.

At PAEA, we know what busy lives our members lead — both professionally and personally. With that in mind, we are seeking to fill professional development gaps through our Digital Learning Hub. Because this is a newly launched effort, we need your help in spreading the word and getting your colleagues on board. If you or a colleague don’t already have an account, here’s a great place to start.

To help you celebrate the day, we’ve created two pathways for you to explore in our Digital Learning Hub. Pathways are on-demand learning opportunities that sequence content on a specific topic area. (Please note that you need to log in to access the content.)

A focus on teaching: 5 courses

Core Strategies for Teaching in Higher Ed (2h 0m – Beginner)

Teaching Techniques: Writing Effective Learning Objectives (51m 55s – Intermediate)

PowerPoint for Teachers: Creating Interactive Lessons (37m 3s – Intermediate)

Teaching Techniques: Creating Effective Learning Assessments (35m 30s – Intermediate)

Teacher Tech Tips Weekly (8h 45m – Intermediate)

A focus on personal development: 4 courses

Discovering Your Strengths (57m 6s – All Levels)

CV Success Master Class (52m 9s – Beginner)

Cultivating a Growth Mindset (58m 57s – All Levels)

Thriving at Work: Leveraging the Connection Between Well-Being and Productivity (41m 25s – Intermediate)