Assessment Center Marks First Anniversary
A year ago, PAEA launched its innovative Assessment Center, a one-stop shop for all things PAEA Assessment. Despite a few hiccups, the center has proven to be a valuable tool for programs. PAEA would like to thank its members for their support, patience, and helpful feedback this past year. Your suggestions and questions have helped us make key improvements including:
- Adding a zoom feature to the PC version of SecureClient
- Improving the visibility of student account confirmation status
- Adding more detail to the Exam Schedule page
- Reducing the wait time to import score reports from hours to minutes.
Secure Client for Mac Update Rolls Out Tuesday
This latest update includes live monitoring, which will allow programs to pause a student’s exam regardless of their device. The Mac user’s exam state will also change appropriately to indicate when they are in progress or on a break. This enhancement should greatly reduce proctor confusion and make for more equitable exam events for students using different types of devices.
Looking ahead to future updates, we are considering several future improvements, suggested by our users such as:
- Enhancements to the report filtering process.
- More flexible exam delivery types
- Increased functionality for updating scheduled exams.
- Enhancements to the score reporting dashboard.
You can read more about the enhancements made to the Assessment Center on the Tips and FAQs page under the “Latest Updates as of” section. To keep them handy, be sure to bookmark this page along with the Knowledge Base and Assessment Center Resources. On the Resources page, you will find an updated version of the Assessment Center User Guide with several changes to increase clarity.
We appreciate any feedback about our resources, as well as about the Assessment Center at large. If there is any feedback you’d like to share, please email us at