2019 PA Virtual Fairs Top the Charts
Each year, PAEA partners with CareerEco, a virtual recruiting platform, to host two PA virtual fairs, one in April and one in July. These fairs allow programs to virtually chat with students who are interested in the PA profession and in applying to PA school. PAEA’s most recent virtual fair on July 24 was one of the most successful events that we’ve hosted to date.
The July fair had a record number of student registrants, reaching almost 7,000. Of those, 3,000 students actually attended the fair, which is also a higher number than we’ve ever had for any previous fair. In addition to the increased numbers, both the July and April virtual fair chat rooms saw an increase in fair traffic and engagement.
These virtual fairs are a convenient way to meet prospective applicants in a chat room as opposed to meeting them on campus. This allows prospective applicants from across the country to talk with program representatives and ask questions. It also gives programs access to thousands of potential students and a chance to tell applicants what is special about their program. It’s an ideal way to engage in one-on-one conversations without racking up any travel costs.
PAEA will continue hosting these events next year, with the 2020 dates tentatively set for April 7 and July 22. Once these dates have been finalized, we will share registration information.