Clinical Sites

Reauthorization of Title VII Funding for PA Training (House)

Summary: On June 24, 2018, PAEA submitted a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee commending the introduction of the EMPOWER Act (H.R. 3728), which reauthorizes Title VII programs through FY2022.
The letter also encourages the subcommittee to prioritize the reauthorization of the Primary Care Training and Enhancement program, Training for Diversity programs, and Area Health Education Centers for the purposes of:

  • Enhancing the capability of PAs to fill the health care service void left by national provider shortages
  • Increasing patient access to primary care within rural and medically underserved communities
  • Addressing health disparities that impact minority populations by promoting diversity in the PA workforce

In addition, PAEA advocated for the authorization of PA education research grants to ensure that PAs receive the highest quality education.