AAPA-PAEA Research Fellowship

The AAPA-PAEA Research Fellowship offers three one-year fellowships to conduct research on PA education and workforce development.

The Fellowship provides 20 percent of the recipients’ base salary up to $30,000 to each fellow’s institution to secure protected time for their research projects. The Fellows will expand their research agendas, broaden their knowledge of data sources, extend their professional networks, and build a strong cohort of research leaders who advance the profession.

The deadline to apply through the PAEA Research online application platform is 11:59 p.m. ET on Monday, June 3, 2024.

For more information about eligibility, applicant evaluation criteria, and application requirements, please download the 2024-2025 AAPA-PAEA Research Fellowship Submission Guidelines or contact us at Research@PAEAonline.org or 703-651-8540.