2024-25 CASPA Configuration Portal Helpful Information

The Configuration Portal for the CASPA 2024-2025 cycle is now live. The deadline to complete and submit your program configurations for review is March 7, 2024, at 5 p.m. ET. Once the Configuration Portal is closed, the PAEA and Liaison teams will begin the configuration portal review to ensure your program will launch on time. Failure to submit your Configuration Portal for review by the date outlined above will delay the launch of your program’s CASPA portal.

Steps to Completing Configuration

  1. Log into the Configuration Portal in the WebAdMIT Prelaunch site.
  2. Review and edit your program branding, instructional text, prerequisites, and questions, if applicable.
  3. Preview your program in preview mode.
  4. Hit “Submit for Review” no later than 5 p.m. ET on March 7, 2024.

Logging Into the Prelaunch Environment

All configurations for the 2024-2025 application cycle must be done in the Prelaunch environment. The Prelaunch environment cannot be accessed through the WebAdMIT portal used to review applications. To access the Prelaunch environment, you must use the link below. Current WebAdMIT users should use their WebAdMIT username and password to access the Prelaunch environment.

If you have not accessed WebAdMIT before or are having trouble with your password, click “first time here” or “forgot password” on the login screen to obtain your login information.

If you continue to have trouble, please contact WebAdMIT Support via phone for assistance. The WebAdMIT support team can be reached Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET at 857-304-2020.

Link: https://prelaunch.webadmit.org

Accessing the Configuration Portal

To access the CASPA 2024-2025 cycle, navigate to the upper right-hand corner of your dashboard after logging in and select the new cycle from the drop-down menu. Select the CAS Configuration Portal from the left-hand navigation under “Management.”

If nothing happens when clicking the link, please ensure you have any popup blockers disabled, as the Configuration Portal opens in a new window.

The Prelaunch environment should only be used to access the Configuration Portal. Any other activity, such as adding users or setting up local statuses or email templates, etc., will NOT carry over to the live WebAdMIT environment.

Editing Your Program & Submitting Configurations

Any programs that were live in the 2023-2024 cycle were rolled over into the 2024-2025 Configuration Portal and can be edited for the new cycle.

There is no need to add brand new programs in the Configuration Portal if the program existed previously.

The available configuration options for CASPA include:

After the necessary information has been entered into the Configuration Portal, PAEA and Liaison strongly encourage at least one person to Preview the configurations before submitting the portal for review. Please note that to use the preview feature, you must create a student account in the CASPA application. Once the Preview has been completed, toggle the “Preview” button back into the “off” position and submit it for Review. The PAEA Admissions/CASPA Team will review and approve programs after they are set to the “Review” status. Programs that are not in the review status will not be reviewed and approved for launch.

Configuration Portal Help and Training

To help guide you in this process with known best practices, we encourage you to review the resources listed below.

  • The Configuration Portal Help Center is a searchable manual with step-by-step instructions for creating and customizing your programs; this is also accessible under the Usage Help panel under the Help Center.
  • Liaison Academy has a WebAdMIT Configuration Portal Training module with videos on specific portions of the Configuration Portal. The link to training is also accessible under the Usage Help panel within your WebAdMIT account.

Primary Contacts

You are receiving this notice because your information is on file with PAEA as one of two primary contacts for your CASPA program.

Only primary contacts will have access to the Prelaunch Configuration Portal and will be responsible for completing the configurations.

Important Information

As a reminder, programs are not permitted to ask applicants questions about their criminal history in the Program Materials section (Quad 4). Instead, PAEA has created a statement in the CASPA application requiring students to affirm that they understand a criminal background check may be required as a condition of acceptance and/or enrollment in their program.

A copy of the 2024-25 Admissions Tools, Enhancements, and Configuration Best Practices Webinar slides can be found here.

Contact Us

For any questions, please contact the WebAdMIT Support team, which is available Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET at 857-304-2020 or via email at webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com.