Call for Photos for PAEA Website
The PAEA communications team would like to promote your program as well as the PA education community. We are seeking a variety of high-quality, digital photos that can be used for the PAEA website and promotional materials. Please look through your files for photos that fit the criteria below. There is no limit to the number of photos that you can submit, provided that they are high quality, in jpeg format, and fit any of the following criteria:
- Clinical rotations and precepting
- Special events
- Outreach and work in the community
- Classroom teaching
- Candid, human interest photos of faculty, staff, students, or applicants
- Photos from Pi Alpha events including induction ceremonies and meetings
- Meetings with Congressional representatives and U.S. Senators and staff at either local district offices or in Washington, D.C.
Please use this link to upload your photos.
Please note: By submitting photographs, you and anyone featured in the photos automatically grant PAEA permission to use the submitted photos on the PAEA website, in PAEA publications, and in other promotional materials.